Tiny Weather Forecast Germany



11 permissions detected

  • android.permission.INTERNET

    Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.


    Allows an app to ask for permission to ignore battery optimizations for that app.

  • android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS
  • android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS

    Allows an app to modify the sync settings for an account. For example, this can be used to enable sync of the People app with an account.

  • android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION

    This app can access location at any time, even while the app is not in use.

  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

    Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.

  • android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED

    Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the phone and allow the app to slow down the overall phone by always running.

  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION

    This app can get your approximate location from location services while the app is in use. Location services for your device must be turned on for the app to get location.

  • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

    This app can get your precise location from location services while the app is in use. Location services for your device must be turned on for the app to get location. This may increase battery usage.

  • android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS

    Allows the app to read the sync settings for an account. For example, this can determine whether the People app is synced with an account.


0 libraries detected


1 certificate(s) detected

click to expandIssuer: Common Name: Pawel Dube, Organizational Unit: Unknown, Organization: Unknown, Locality: Hamburg, State/Province: Hamburg, Country: DE
Fingerprint: f7a5b59b8fbd6a6d287916881f2a5ab9343c5323
Serial: 263314478


0 tracker(s) detected


    24 class(es) detected
    |-> org
    |--> astronomie
    |---> info|----> Astronomy -> source -> docs
    |--> json|---> JSONException|---> JSONObject|---> JSONArray
    |--> w3c
    |---> dom|----> Element
    |--> xml
    |---> sax|----> SAXException
    |-> de
    |--> kaffeemitkoffein
    |---> tinyweatherforecastgermany|----> WeatherWarningActivity -> source -> docs|----> WeatherIcons -> source -> docs|----> ForecastBitmap -> source -> docs|----> TextForecastListActivity -> source -> docs|----> WeatherLayerMapActivity -> source -> docs|----> WeatherWarnings -> source -> docs|----> StationFavorites -> source -> docs|----> MainActivity -> source -> docs|----> AlarmClockUpdatedReceiver -> source -> docs|----> WeatherLayer -> source -> docs|----> WeatherDetailsActivity -> source -> docs|----> WeatherCodeContract -> source -> docs|----> PrivateLog -> source -> docs|----> RadarMN2 -> source -> docs|----> WeatherAuthenticatorService -> source -> docs|----> LoggingActivity -> source -> docs|----> ChartWidget -> source -> docs|----> ForecastAdapter -> source -> docs|----> LicenseInfo -> source -> docs|----> PollenArea -> source -> docs|----> NumberPickerPreference -> source -> docs|----> TextForecasts -> source -> docs|----> CreateAreasDatabaseService -> source -> docs|----> WeatherLayersActivity -> source -> docs|----> GadgetbridgeBroadcastReceiver -> source -> docs|----> BoldWidget -> source -> docs|----> PhaseImages -> source -> docs|----> WeatherAuthenticator -> source -> docs|----> WelcomeActivity -> source -> docs|----> Areas -> source -> docs|----> ThemePicker -> source -> docs|----> WeatherWarningAdapter -> source -> docs|----> LEDColorPicker -> source -> docs|----> TextForecast -> source -> docs|----> WeatherContentProvider -> source -> docs|----> TextForecastAdapter -> source -> docs|----> Weather -> source -> docs|----> LEDColorPreference -> source -> docs|----> RawWeatherInfo -> source -> docs|----> GadgetbridgeJobService -> source -> docs|----> WeatherWarning -> source -> docs|----> OnBootCompletedReceiver -> source -> docs|----> ClockWidget -> source -> docs|----> SeekBarPreference -> source -> docs|----> DataPackage -> source -> docs|----> DataStorage -> source -> docs|----> Settings -> source -> docs|----> GadgetbridgeAPI -> source -> docs|----> Pollen -> source -> docs|----> WeatherLocationManager -> source -> docs|----> CurrentWeatherInfo -> source -> docs|----> StationsManager -> source -> docs|----> ClassicWidget -> source -> docs|----> Polygon -> source -> docs|----> CancelNotificationBroadcastReceiver -> source -> docs|----> WeatherSyncAdapter -> source -> docs|----> WeatherSyncService -> source -> docs|----> APIReaders -> source -> docs|----> WeatherContentManager -> source -> docs|----> Radarmap -> source -> docs|----> ForecastIcons -> source -> docs|----> ZoomableImageView -> source -> docs|----> WeatherSettings -> source -> docs|----> StationSearchEngine -> source -> docs|----> TextForecastViewActivity -> source -> docs
    |-> android
    |--> widget|---> LinearLayout|---> RelativeLayout|---> TableLayout|---> ArrayAdapter|---> ListView|---> PopupWindow|---> ImageView|---> FrameLayout|---> Button|---> NumberPicker|---> TableRow|---> BaseAdapter|---> AutoCompleteTextView|---> AdapterView|---> RemoteViews|---> SeekBar|---> CompoundButton|---> TextView|---> ProgressBar|---> EditText|---> ScrollView|---> CheckBox|---> Spinner
    |--> database
    |---> sqlite|----> SQLiteOpenHelper|----> SQLiteDatabase
    |---> Cursor|---> SQLException
    |--> util|---> SparseArray|---> DisplayMetrics|---> AttributeSet
    |--> text|---> Editable|---> TextWatcher|---> SpannableStringBuilder
    |--> view|---> GestureDetector|---> MotionEvent|---> ScaleGestureDetector|---> ViewGroup|---> View|---> Menu|---> MenuItem|---> KeyEvent|---> LayoutInflater
    |--> os|---> Bundle|---> Parcel|---> IBinder|---> Parcelable|---> Handler
    |--> app|---> AlertDialog|---> Service
    |---> job|----> JobService|----> JobParameters
    |---> Activity|---> ActionBar|---> NotificationManager|---> Application
    |--> content|---> ContentValues|---> AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter|---> SyncRequest|---> ContentProviderClient|---> SharedPreferences|---> SyncResult|---> ContentProvider|---> Context|---> DialogInterface|---> BroadcastReceiver|---> Intent|---> UriMatcher|---> ActivityNotFoundException
    |--> preference|---> PreferenceActivity|---> DialogPreference|---> CheckBoxPreference|---> PreferenceCategory|---> Preference
    |--> graphics|---> Canvas|---> RectF|---> Paint|---> BitmapFactory|---> Bitmap
    |---> drawable|----> Drawable
    |--> appwidget|---> AppWidgetManager|---> AppWidgetProvider
    |--> accounts|---> AbstractAccountAuthenticator|---> AccountAuthenticatorResponse|---> Account
    |--> location|---> LocationListener|---> Location|---> LocationManager
    |--> net|---> Uri
    |-> java
    |--> lang|---> IllegalArgumentException|---> Object|---> String|---> Exception|---> CharSequence|---> Runnable|---> Double|---> NumberFormatException|---> Comparable|---> InterruptedException|---> Boolean|---> IndexOutOfBoundsException|---> Float|---> Integer|---> StringBuilder
    |--> util|---> ArrayList|---> HashMap
    |---> concurrent|----> ExecutorService|----> Executor|----> ConcurrentHashMap|----> ScheduledExecutorService
    |---> Map|---> Comparator
    |--> io|---> Serializable|---> IOException|---> InputStream|---> File
    |--> net|---> URL|---> MalformedURLException
    |--> text|---> ParseException|---> SimpleDateFormat|---> DecimalFormat
    |-> nodomain
    |--> freeyourgadget
    |---> gadgetbridge
    |----> model|-----> WeatherSpec -> source -> docs
    |-> javax
    |--> xml
    |---> parsers|----> ParserConfigurationException
    |--> net
    |---> ssl|----> SSLException

    This report was generated on 2025-02-26 at 07:26 (UTC) using exodus-core.

    The analysis has been conducted using 432 tracker signatures by ExodusPrivacy.